The trophies
John Leininger reading Donny the Redneck field trial gunner.
Don Wagner listening to Donny the Redneck field trial gunner.
Jan Johnson presenting the East High Point award to Chuck Urland (AFC D'Nairu Girls Got Rythmn #43)
Jan and Trent Bosse, Mid-East High point award (AFC Cadence of Hearthrock #84)
Jan and Tom Nabity, Rocky Mountain High Point (AFC Clodahill Apollo #22).
Jan and Tom Nabity, Rocky Mountain High Point (AFC Clodahill Apollo #22).
Jan presenting Trent Bosse the National High Point Dog award (AFC Cadence of Hearthrock #84)
Al Osbourne who gunned the first national with the medallions from the first NAC and the 50th anniversay NAC.